Bradley Zero

Friday 24

Bradley Zero

Hail­ing from Peck­ham via Leeds, Bradley Zero is quick­ly becom­ing the taste-mak­er of his gen­er­a­tion. As founder of the Rhythm Sec­tion insti­tu­tion, Bradley has carved out a unique role for him­self with­in the vibrant Lon­don scene as Res­i­dent Club DJ, Broad­cast­er and Label Boss of one of the most excit­ing new imprints today – Rhythm Sec­tion International.


Hav­ing start­ed the Rhythm Sec­tion radio show back in 2009, the broad­cast nat­u­ral­ly trans­lat­ed into a fort­night­ly dance at Canavan’s Peck­ham Pool Club, which quick­ly became a firm fix­ture in the Lon­don Club­bing scene. Res­i­dent Advi­sor and Dum­my described it as ​”A par­ty which, in spite of its mod­est means and ambi­tions, has been some­thing of an epiphany for me, and for plen­ty of oth­ers too” and ​“some of the best music in Lon­don” respectively.